Things To Do Before You Travel

10 Things to Do Before You Travel

I have loved to travel since I was a kid… but for the past few years traveling consistently I have gained lots of experience in the Things to Do Before You Travel area.

I’ve forgotten things, ran around my house like a chicken with its head cut off, and finally, I sat down and made this checklist for myself…

and now I’m sharing it with you guys!!

Here’s a list of things to make getting ready for your next trip stress-free!


Things to Do Before You Travel:

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission if you make a purchase using these links. It is at no additional cost to you, and I only recommend products and deals that will help you get the most out of your travel experience!


 #10.) Make Lists

I’m a list maker…what can I say?! I absolutely love to make lists!!!

(If you’ve read my other travel posts you already know this is true)

These 3 separate lists help me stay organized before travel and are a traveling ritual in all my trip planning.

~ Packing List: I always use the Knock-Knock Pack List. It works great and covers everything you would need for any type of trip.

~ Needs Before Trip List: Anything you might not have in stock that would need to be picked up before leaving.

~ Pre-Travel CheckList: Psst…this is the Pre-Travel Checklist!

And guess what?!?

There is a FREE Printable Copy at the Bottom of this Article!! For Freeeeeeeeeeeee!!

#9.) Schedule Mail Pick Up/House Sitter

Ask a family member or friend to look out for your residence while you’re away…

including mail pick up or pet sitting.

Peace of mind is a lovely thing.


Related Post: How to Fly Stress-Free


#8.) Notify Your Bank/Credit Card Company

Most bank apps allow you to enter your travel dates without having to contact your bank directly.

I notify my bank of all out-of-town travels to avoid the bank locking my debit/credit card.

This is also a good time to set up bill pay for any bills that need to be paid while your away on your travels. 


#7.) Plan a Daily Itinerary 

I’m all for spontaneity but I also like to have a daily game plan…

a neighborhood I’d like to explore…

a concert that’s in town…

or a restaurant I’d like to try.

Where my day goes from there?!… well, there is no telling!


#6.) Grooming

Haircut, eyebrows, nails, shaving, and anything you want to do to prepare yourself and your mindset before your trip. 

For us this also includes grooming our dog Nemo to have him ready to be boarded or dropped with the sitter.


Related Post: Amtrak Train Travel for First Timers


5.) Print Daily Itineraries.

Accommodation and transportation confirmations, restaurant reservations, tickets, copies of I.D. & passport (if need be) and anything else you may need to be printed for the duration of your trip.

You can also snap a picture of these items on your phone as a backup. 


4.) Plan Outfits

Check the weather before you travel and start gathering outfits you’d like to wear.

I go ahead and wash all these items a few days ahead of time so I don’t have to worry about this right before I leave. 


3.) Start Packing

I like to get started 3+ days ahead of my departure date. 

I typically start gathering items a few weeks prior to leaving, and start packing a few days early, to ensure I am not rushing right before heading out.


2.) House Maintenance:

  • clean
  • unplug appliances
  • cut off lights
  • adjust thermostat
  • cut grass
  • clean out fridge
  • take out trash
  • do any household maintenance you don’t want to worry about once you return.


Related Post: Top 10 Must-Have Flight Essentials


1.) Double Check Your Pack List

This is the very last thing I do before leaving for a trip…

I like to make sure I’ve checked off everything and that I’m not leaving anything behind or forgotten. 

Enjoy Your Journey!!!


Before You Travel Checklist

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